All of my paintings are made on glass. Some of the paintings are on two or three panes of glass which offer the viewer a three-dimensional experience only hinted at in the 2D images below. Some of the paintings may be viewed with varied delight from both sides. The light shines through. Also in most of them I incorporate metal shavings which will change colour over time. “Rust never sleeps.” (Time-based media?) Often “the other side” of the painting will have a topography that the finished side does not due to the materials used, i.e. metal, wood, sand, paper, heavy paint e.t.c.
Cracked Phone #3 Chadwick Boseman 18x36 framed as iphone5.
Cracked Phone #3 - Chadwick Boseman A closer look
Cracked Phone #2 (aka Cracked Actor) An amalgamation of David Bowie and Judy Garland on a cracked iphone 5 - 2'x4'
Cracked Phone #2 (aka Cracked Actor) detail An amalgamation of David Bowie and Judy Garland on a cracked iphone 5 - 2'x4'
Cracked Phone #1 aka "Des Called" Side 1 A portrait of artist Adam Cramb who passed on in the year 2020. This is a two-sided painting with empty space for the light to pass through. 2'x4'
Cracked Phone #1 aka "Des Called" Side 2 A portrait of artist Adam Cramb who passed on in the year 2020. This is a two-sided painting with empty space for the light to pass through. 2'x4' Contains quote from Adam "You are greater than you will ever know."
Frontline Angels 31x42 3 layers Paint w/shredded paper and black sand SOLD
Frontline Angels (detail)
Frontline Angels (detail)
Frontline Angels (detail)
Frontline Angels (detail)
Covid Queen in Her Ancestral Garment 33x35 2 layers Paint, metal shavings, black sand w/wood shavings on back layer
Covid Queen in Her Ancestral Garment (detail)
Case Clusters 36x18 3 layers See-through/both sides
Case Clusters 3 layers(detail)
I Gotta Elevate! Approx. 4x4 Paint, metal shavings, wood with sheet metal frame
I Gotta Elevate! (detail)
I Gotta Elevate! (detail)
Safety Boys of Summer 40x30 2 layers Paint w/shredded paper
Safety Boys of Summer (detail)
Distancing Under a Wrecked Sky Approx. 18"x30" in reclaimed aluminum frame Paint and shredded paper.
Distancing Under a Wrecked Sky 34x17 (detail) Paint w/shredded paper
Distancing Under a Wrecked Sky 34x17 (detail)
Distancing Under a Wrecked Sky Detail
Trace Contacts 18.5x43
Trace Contacts (detail)
Trace Contacts (detail)
Phantom Thread 29x39 3 layers (detail with tree reflection) See-through/both sides
Phantom Thread 29x39 3 layers (detail)
Phantom Thread 29x39 3 layers (detail)
Case Chaser 26x50 2 layers Paint w/shredded paper
Case Chaser (detail)
Case Chaser (detail)
We Can Beat It - Approx. 28x32 Paint, metal shavings and charcoal. Michael Jackson way before Covid.
RBG - Large painting on glass with custom frame. Approx. 40"x32"
Virus Garden 25x18 One pane View from both sides SOLD
Virus Garden (other side)
Virus Garden (other side detail)
Labyrinthine Covidicus (light box)
Labyrinthine Covidicus (detail)
All They Had Left Were Two Phones and a Sunset (detail) 5'x3'
All They Had Left Were Two Phones and a Sunset (detail)
Cracked Phone #1 aka "Des Called" Side 1 detail
"I Gotta Elevate!" detail
Lady in the Rain with Coronas 雨の中の女性 Ame no naka no josei Approx. 18"x30" Framed
Pyschclops 33x37 Paint and wood shavings, silver powder, turmeric, charcoal
Bonnie Henry - "Backside" of a two-sided painting on glass with custom frame.
Bonnie Henry - "Frontside" of a two-sided painting on glass in a custom frame.
RBG - An amalgam of the front and backside of RBG on a limited print.